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Retrospective on 2023 L&D (Learning and Development) focus areas

Digital Marketing Consultancy
Retrospective on 2023 L&D (Learning and Development) focus areas

PEOPLE and SKILLS ARE the epicenter of corporate success

We are marching towards EOY. It's the perfect moment to revisit the 2023 Workplace Learning Report and dive deeper into a retrospective to notice what we achieved in this crucial corporate aspect.

Learning and Development (L&D) positions people and skills at the center of organizational success. We all conveyed this concept and contributed amazingly. 

In this remarkable united vision, what are the Top Benefits and development Gains in 2023:

→ Suppose you have established a solid learning culture and valuable upskilling process. In that case, you have gained a fantastic growth point. The ultimate objective is the correlation between upskilling and retention while enhancing the overall learning culture.

→ This solid corporate foundation will enhance your internal development and pave the triumphant roads for your company. These critical aspects are a stepping stone for one of the vital improvement areas—Retention.

→ Career development and internal mobility make people and organizations agile. Progress toward career goals has become the No. 1 motivation for employees to learn. Leverage this amazing industry trend to maximize overall growth.

Sandy Torchia, Vice Chair, Talent and Culture at KPMG, brilliantly commented in my post six months ago: ''I think upskilling employees is one of the most critical aspects of L&D! Upskilling will help improve overall retention and promote a culture of learning, improving a company’s overall L&D strategy.''

How aligned was your company with these annual goals? 

Industry leaders Please share your thoughts to support this united vision. Let's unite the effort to support, amplify, and endure in a people-centric future.


In case you want to revisit the → 2023 Workplace Learning Report 

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